Gold Country Base USSVI Lost Boats Memorial
The initial idea for the Lost Boats Memorial came about in the spring of 2018 and is now realized. The unvieling of the completed project occured on January 21, 2023 the mayor of the City of West Sacramento, many US Submarine Force members and the public were in attendance. Additional photos and press releases to follow.

What is a Lost Boat Memorial?
The memorial represents the “depth of gratitude” we have for our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country in the United States Navy Submarine Service and to honor those brave men and women who are serving now and who will serve in the future, beneath the oceans of the world.
Over the history of the Navy, in both war and peace, 65 United States Submarines have been lost and 4,000 young American Sailors have paid the ultimate price and remain on Eternal Patrol. Seven of those boats, and 550 of those who perished, were aboard Submarines built at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California.
Where is the Lost Boats Memorial be?
One of the criteria in the Memorial’s location was that it be publically accessible, another that it be near water. The City of West Sacramento was choosen when the percise location was first saw, and that is Veteran’s Plaza along the west side of the Sacramento River across from Old Sacramento.

Upon Surveying the Site deficiencies were noted
Various military placards on the plaza were observed as being in poor material condition. While not part of the unvieling Gold Country Subvets is working with the City of West Sacramento to refurbish/repair/replace these placards.
Funding and Support still needed
While most of price for the memorial has been paid fundraising continues to establish the required maintenance fees associated with having and caring for the Memorial. Additionaly funds will be needed for required work to the other military veteran placards in the plaza.
Two Ways to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation and Qualify Us for Matching Funds.

Online or use the QR code
1. Go to the USSVI Charitable Fund Website using the link above or use the QR code (Click the Donate Button)
2. Select or Enter a Dollar Amount — (click Continue)
3. Complete the Form — (click Continue)
4. Select a Fund from Drop Down Box (Gold Country Lost Boat Memorial) — (click Continue)
5. Enter Credit Card information — (click Finish)
By Check
1. Make check Payable to USSVI Charitable Fund
2. Put Gold Country Base Lost Boats Memorial in the Subject Line
3. Mail to:
PO Box 3870
Silverdale WA 98383